16. Februar 2012



Pink Flamingos, that are in opposition to their colour not happy, are standing on a round place, that is in opposition to its nature made out of concrete.

Christmaspresent from my brother


I like drawing faces

Today I´m tidiing up my room a bit, because I´m moving to Switzerland in two weeks. What a chance to sort out things. I like digging in old stuff. I took some photos of the artificial stuff, I found. Maybe it helps me to throw it away, because I´m a messy in some kind of way. For example I found a box with plastic bags. Well, I won´t throw them away, bit use them for rubbish.
I recently read something about that theme. It said, you should take out three boxes: in one goes the flea market stuff, in one goes the treasure and in one go the throw-away-things. I´m sceptically, that it works. You need to go through it in three months again and now throw away stuff, you didn´t need in that time.
Enjoy it!